
Checker Plus for Gmail

Displays new emails and the sender's contact photo, get notifications or even listen, read or delete them without opening Gmail!

Checker Plus for Gmail (Chrome, Firefox, and Edge) 26.0

Checker Plus for Gmail (Chrome, Firefox, and Edge) allows you to see notifications and read, listen to, or delete emails. Checker Plus works without opening ...

Checker Plus for Gmail for Windows

Download Checker Plus for Gmail for Windows for free. All notifications from your Gmail inbox in Chrome. Checker Plus for Gmail is an extension for Google.

Checker Plus for Gmail™

The fastest and easiest way to manage multiple email accounts • 5 star extension with great reviews! • Trusted developer of many extensions • 1 million ...

Checker Plus for Gmail™

Get notifications, read, listen to or delete emails without opening Gmail and easily manage multiple accounts.

Checker Plus for Gmail™

The fastest and easiest way to manage multiple email accounts • 5 star extension with great reviews! • Trusted developer of many extensions

Manage multiple Gmail accounts with Checker Plus

2016年2月4日 — Manage multiple Gmail accounts with Checker Plus. This insanely useful Chrome extension shoehorns all your accounts into a versatile, workflow- ...


Displaysnewemailsandthesender'scontactphoto,getnotificationsorevenlisten,readordeletethemwithoutopeningGmail!,CheckerPlusforGmail(Chrome,Firefox,andEdge)allowsyoutoseenotificationsandread,listento,ordeleteemails.CheckerPlusworkswithoutopening ...,DownloadCheckerPlusforGmailforWindowsforfree.AllnotificationsfromyourGmailinboxinChrome.CheckerPlusforGmailisanextensionforGoogle.,Thefastestandeasie...